Ribbon Skirt (How to make)

Ribbon Skirt

Learn how to Make a Ribbon Skirt PDF

For Ages 8-12

The clothing worn by Colville Tribal members in past times varied from tribe to tribe. The men would wear chaps w/hider, shirt and moccasins primarily fashioned from deer hides. Although the women would also wear deer hide moccasins, they would wear dresses of deer, bighorn sheep or antelope hides. Today, the buckskin clothing mentioned is reserved for special times (i.e. winter solstice, first food feasts, funerals, powwows, etc.). Furthermore, introduction to textiles such as wool and cotton has expanded the peoples’ options to choose from when giving form to their attire. While ribbon skirts come to us from the Plains territory, they have become a statement for tribal members in regards to identity. However, many still prefer to do their own wingdresses, clinging to its interpretation which links them to their ancestors.